Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I gotten a free movie date today!^^ Yeah, I went movie with dy today, gotten the free movie tic and decided to watch movie since both of us did not go to school today. We watched the 27 dresses, a very nice funny & romance movie and I recommend your to watch it cos it is really worth it & nice to watch!=D I shall rate this movie at 4! Before our movie we were discussing what we should bring in to eat while watching movie, both of us were puzzled and decided to went to PS to have a look, after walking ard..I told dy that I was very hungry and in the end decided that we bought mac and eat secretly eat inside, hahas..and both of us buy fillet meal and put everything in the bag so that the tic man won't know..We ate inside, the smell of the food was a tempting, I hope no one realised it=X
Just now in the train was listening to FM, suddenly I feel that the song that they played was kind of familiar & that feeling just make my heart pumped even harder, I realised that the song was actually a memories of someone I know, when I listened to the song, I thought of that person in my mind and memories just flash in my mind. So it quite true that songs can also brings back memories of someone else..

4:33 AM (:
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I'm feeling much better compare to last few days, I 'm glad I met you today. I hope this feeling don't go away, I want it to remain in my heart..

8:06 AM (:
Monday, January 28, 2008

7:26 AM (:
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Looking at the pages of my life
Faded memories of me and you.
Mistakes you know I've made a fewI took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around the block a time or twoI'm gonna lay it on the line
Ask me how we've come this far
The answer's written in my eyes
Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you
I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've paid some dues, baby
We've been to hell and back again
Through it all you're always my best friend
For all the words I didn't say and all the things I didn't do
Tonight I'm gonna find a way
Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you
You can take this world away
You're everything I am
Just read the lines upon my face
I'm all about lovin' you..
I simply love this song..
All About Loving You by Bon Jovi-

6:34 AM (:
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Today I was so tired and busy man, went
ard the whole day..in the morning went to
hosptital, afternoon go JP buy some stuff for new and pick a gift for ah boy..Yeah! is
lex birthday today!!
Happy 18 Brithday, lex monkey!! hahas..then I rush to town to meet
kor for lunch..
kor very
ke ai today..hahas..wear the cap, so
hiphop & new style..hahas..we chat for awhile then
kor drive me to
lex de house, I press the doorbell then I hide behind the pillar wanting to scare him, in the end he stand behind me and "
booo!!" I jumped...
lex monkey
hao wan
alot of
ppl attended e party, not many I know..only some
de kor's friends..anyway, I have fun today hope
lex monkey enjoy too..
Got headache after I reach home, guess not enough sleep
becos i wake up too early today..This days not really in a mood to talk to a friend of mine..to you: if you are here to flirt or showing off to me, save it.. I don't wish to hear or even talk to you. I don't know what is your intention of doing that, however please make it clear that you have a
gf alrdy.. If she is the one you love, treasure her...don't come to me and say all sort of disgusting stuff to me.. You should know where you stand now, don't hurt her since you choose her to be the one. If you still continue to be like that I will
nv want to talk to you again. At the point of time, please give me some peace..

4:27 AM (:
Friday, January 25, 2008
I don't like it when you raise your voice, can you don't do that anymore?

8:38 AM (:
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today skip lesson, after UT faci haben even finish what she want to ask and some of us have alrdy rush out of the classroom..hahas..haben had any movie today cos one of my classmate can't make it today and the rest said that there is nothing interesting to watch, our movie date shall postphone to next week then. Tomorrow is friday!! It is my most fav module (culture) hahas...becos of the faci and the modules is also very interesting, most importantly we got a pizza treat from the faci tom..hahas..our faci is so good, couldn't bear to miss her module although I am abit reluctant and lazy to go to school.
I had nose bleed just now=( so sad, all of the sudden the blood come out of my nose..guess too heaty alrdy and nv drink much water today cos I only bring a small bottle to school today=X I miss my bestie man!! too bad, she these days not free cos got school and work after school..I hope to see her soon, got so much to tel her..

4:00 AM (:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Finally I change my
blogskins after so many months=)
Today we having enterprise lesson, I reach school quite early today and
desiree reach earlier than me and was waiting for me at the school canteen. Nobody wants to go class so early every
thru becos of the
naggy faci,
hahas..then we waited for
Jq in the canteen to come. However, the three of us was so
reluctant to go to class so early and decide to have some food to fill our stomach first before going to the class so that we can dragged the time. Lesson are getting boring, everyone is looking forward for the
hahas, including me..no mood for class, all over my head is all
Holiday! /
Got headache today, after class immediately went home to have a short nap before doing my
RJ. Tomorrow having enterprise UT, it's the last UT..finally! Maybe skipping class tom going movie with my classmates but it's still
unplan, shall decide tom.
to: Friends in
rp, good luck for your last UT*
Labels: *myheartneverlie* STARSTARwishes//

5:25 AM (:
Monday, January 14, 2008
These days recieve funny SMS & MMS, dunno who's e one that send me all those werid msg and picture msg..actually dun intend to reply but I got so irritated for receiving so many msg from the person & I replied the person ask him or her who's that and after that I received a few funny msg back and the person stop msg me..what a strange person, how he or she got my num...make me feel like changing a new num! haix...
School wasn't bad, went for talk today, just two more active point & I will be able to completed my CE point le..finally! and I can focus more on my project and studies in Year 2 & 3. tomorrwo is math and computing lesson, got VB!! arhhh...i dun like VB.Labels: *myheartneverlie* STARSTARwishes//

3:40 AM (:
Friday, January 11, 2008
Few months ago, I asked a person " are you happy?" and the same question was being asked by that person to me, I told him " I am happy." Today the same question was being asked but from a different person and at that point of time I stunned I wouldn't answer him. What makes me feel this way? why can't I straight away answer I am? why do I still have to hesitated for so long? In the end I just answer him back, "I don't know."
Just one word to describe my feeling now-COMPLICATED!!
Labels: *myheartneverlie* STARSTARwishes//

6:09 AM (:
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
VB code really driving me nut!! i hate VB..I nv like it, I don't know what is the use for me to learn this when it is unrelated to my course at all. I had math and computing module today, and we need to use VB code to create the bubbles to increase the bubble randomly, to randomize the size of the bubble & also to randomize the colours. I only manage to finish the add button for increasing the bubble randomly the rest of it I give up!
School was boring.. the internet was so lagged, the msn can't be use kept signing in & out and sometime cant even receive or send a msg to ur friend. I don't know why out school internet access always have this type of problem, making it so troublesome & inconvience for us.
Thurday got cognitive UT, I will make sure I do well for it...
I'm missing you right now*Labels: *myheartneverlie* STARSTARwishes//

3:31 AM (:
Monday, January 7, 2008
Just got back from school..wah, i am really sleepy!! i guess is becos i m not used to sitting infront of the laptop for so many hours. Today module on science was quite easy, JQ explain to the whole group on what he had discovered and everyone in the group get some ideas of it and finally understood what is going on. We slack the whole second break playing game...still on holiday mood~hahas..I gotten a new nick name today, know what is it? (kim mo) means golden hair, cos of my hair dye..quite a cute & funny nick(=
Recently, I had read from blog and heard people's story of their life in r/s. Some people have a sweet & romance r/s which others suffer pain. When I heard from those who gotten suffer in r/s, I will often lend them a listening ears and encourage them to move on. Often people will suggest a person by saying " let go la, not worth it to cry for the person", or " he won't appreaciate if you had done so much for him, dun be so stupid to hurt yourself" blahblahblah..It is easy to say but it depend on the person if she wants to move on anot, sometime the more you force yourself to let go, give up the more you can't do it. If you seriously love a person, it wil be a very diffcult task. It just takes time to heal the pain, and most importantly you must be willing to put it down then it will works. A saying which I had read some where " Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." It really takes courage, face it!!
To those who are in r/s right now, treasure what you have, appreaciate what the other party has done for you & never take it for granted...always show your care for the person, be there when he or she needed you..Communciation is also important, nv hide how you feel even if it is something that makes you unhappy talk it out with him or her so that he or she will understand you & misunderstanding can be solved. Most importantly, tell the person how much you love her or him before it is too late~
To you: I love you & everything you had done for me I really appreaciate it..Labels: *myheartneverlie*STARSTARwishes//

3:13 AM (:
Friday, January 4, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING LINGLING!!(= Had half a day off, end work at 5pm then went to watch the breathe..it was a Korean movie, the ending was quite weird but will rate 3...after that went to eat fish and co...hahas..very full!! I order the new york fish and chip, the fish quite a big portion didn't manage to finish it, had mermaid freeze which is make up of mango and carrot blended ice, and had a dessert (cant't rmb what that called) but it is with icecream and a chocolate cake. Damn full man!! can't even walk properly after eating (going to gain weight )= ).Two more days school reopen alrdy, what will it be like? i hope school can keep me busy..hmmm...study about 4 more weeks then official school holiday alrdy..wow, that was fast...These days really drive me crazy, what am i thinking? and what's wrong with me? am i thinking too much like what my friends said? hmmm...i don't know..i hope to had a answer for that too..eversince that time I really can't expect much & I am afraid of you and also myself truly..i just feel so scared...
Labels: *myheartneverlie*STARSTARwishes//

8:40 AM (:
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
HAPPPY NEW YEAR!! yest had count down at sentosa! hahas...after work i rush down to vivo then took the express train to sentosa..this year countdown was not really fun compare to last year as not many turned up as it is a last min plan! was quite tired after that and a long sleep when i got home..Yeah..next year gonna plan earlier and hope everyone can attend the beach party..
Anyway, thanks for all the new year messages!!
I gotten two days off, which was today & wed..i got a doc appointment to go tom & maybe meeting the girls in the afternoon for some shopping..haben buy chinese new year stuff year and mum was like kept rushing me to get things done instead of la ast mins shopping..since tom i am off maybe i will just shop ard and see what I can get for myself..I will get to see the girls too..miss them lots!!
I miss you so much...but I just couldn't bring myself to say it to you..i don't know why..Labels: *myheartneverlie*STARSTARwishes//

7:41 AM (: