Thursday, February 28, 2008
I miss my friends! I wanted to say a big sorry to those who I can't make it to go out with..been busy working almost everyday, I hope I can meet up with ur soon alright?(=

7:27 AM (:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
We ended today..maybe is a good thing for the both of us, cos things always doesn't work out. I did not cried today but ended it with a smile, a happy ending. We are still friends now. Thanks for everything & the past..So, let's look forward, & maybe what I need now is just sometime to find back myself again..
k, take care people! good nite^^

8:04 AM (:
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Took the bus home from HF to home..omg, after a few mins in the bus i felt that I couldn't take it anymore and a feeling of vomiting & dizzy..quickly took out a sweet from my bag to eat, luckily got e sweet save me a little better. On my way walking back home from the lrt, I met a friend from my secondary school. I couldn't recoginsed him, and wonder who was waiting for me distance away..hahas..so kind of him..he was so tall alrdy, unlike secondary days..wat i can say is everyone has change! since he stay next blk to me, we chated awhile & he started asking about school & stuff...he was ITE student & i told him " if you ever get a good result don't come to RP!" hahas..wah..i was being so bad to my own school..=X
I miss gg shopping man!! i miss gg movie man! I got alot of movies want to watch!!=D hopefully I can catch some with my school mates next week..miss them lots!!

7:22 AM (:
Friday, February 22, 2008

I in love with this picture man! hahas..cos of the cutie crayon shin!!=D Yeah, this's a present from a friend years ago.. nothing to do at home, & I start work late today so decided to tidy my cupboard and I found this cutie(= so i decide to take a picture with it..cute isnt it?hahas..I started showing ard to my family member...I dunno why I'm hyper happy...maybe when I'm young I like it damn much especially the show when I always begged mummy to buy the DVD=X the sound and every action of crayon shin is so cute!!=D
Yeah, went to work today..the department store had not much people..and it feel so dead man! maybe becos chinese new year had over..aiya, I wanna go excerise!! had not been excerising no wonder my health is so weak always sick..still haben recover from my sickness & it's getting worst...so i change another med today hope it will makes me feel better..ya! hopefully I can go jogging or swimming during one of these days on my off day..
tomorrow I will be gg vivo tang to work..so that's all for today..nite!!^^

6:53 AM (:
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Suppose today is my off day, but due to the lack of ppl & i was called back to bugis to work. I just got back from work, time pass pretty fast today..I went to report to work at 10 am and I end at 4.30pm due to some dinner stuff gg on at my house & so I have to leave early. Today is the third time aunties from my workplace asked me " xiao mei, ni sec four ar? " hahas..I dunno should I feel happy or is it a sad thing to be seen as only a 16 years old child. (= Anyway, last fews days I work at vivo, I met some nice ppl, they bring me for lunch & they really cheer my day..=D
Tom i change my location at work again, suppose to work at tang vivo but cck lack of ppl so I gg back to cck tom..arhh, I still sick...I had dry lip, my throat hurts cos I cough too much & my I had a bad flu. Today bestie msg me & asked me how I was doing, hahas..kena scolded by her for working even through I am sick..Maybe at this point of time, either working or gg out is the best for me, rather than stay at home doing nothing at all and start thinking about problems. Bestie told me to settle my problem fast cos she don't wan me to see me sad anymore, but I am still finding time & maybe I feel much better from my sickness..or can I be saying I'm still waiting for miracle to come but I know it won't...I'm tired, I need some rest, good nite everyone^^
this is the fourth day...

4:28 AM (:
Monday, February 18, 2008
oh man, I got a bad flu and cough...-_-my throat are dry,I cant stop coughing & using the tissue.. fever fever please dun come! I took the med alrdy hope it could help..
anyway, later have to go work at vivo city tang..see ya, wish me well..

6:44 PM (:
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Now I’m damn mentally and physically sick! I don't know what had actually happened, I was just too shocked and disppointed when I found it..If you are reading it, stop confusing and the way you treat me, it 's not a game to me..Sometime you are here, and something you are not, whenever you get what you need you disappeared! All I need now is not excuses, but your explanation, please make things clear..enough is enough, there's no longer had that trust, now I see everything in you is a lie. I can't expect to carry anymore hope now, I am just too tired..really..
someone pls lend me a shoulder...

6:55 PM (:
Friday, February 15, 2008
I was woke up by a call, it was from kor..he told me mark was injuried and want me to rush down to meet him and go to the hospital with him..I was shocked, my blank turned blank, how could that happened? I quickly get change and everything and rushed down..and I saw Mark standing outside the lift with the sunflower..I was so angry lor, how can this be take as a joke, it's not anything funny..it's something serious ok!?! hais..so pissed..scolded him ganged up with the stupid kor to cheat me! No more next time ok?! We had breakfast after that, chit chat and I finally understood some things..anyway, thanks for the sunflower (=, rmb hard what I tell you! jia you, the next time when you come back from aust I want you to bring me a good news..my dear fren, I wish you all the best=D
Now, I am blogging while listening to songs, and it reminds me of valentine day when I went out with darling jen to kbox to sing all we want right after my work, yup, just the two of us becos others are busy with school work or busy so couldn't make it.. We were given three testtube to mixed the flavour of our choice to make up a drink which include alcohol, the picture below orange drink is mine ( Canaberry + manago + voka), the blue one is jen one ( voka + mango + one more alcohol) mine taste nice=D, however jen one the alcohol was too strong and she didn't drink it at last.. We sing all we can although we're quite tired but we jian ci dao di! We're high man, we danced while we sing!hahas..very fun!! Nearly three oclock, we settle the bill and headed home by cab..

Prepare to work now, see ya guys!
love is make up of 4 c and 1 T -care, concern, comminment, communication & trust!

6:53 PM (:
Sunday, February 10, 2008

I had been quite busy for the last four days of chinese new year…went to relative house, frens house and even dad's frens house to bian nian, hmmm..did receive quite a number of ang bao, although it is not that much compare to last few years however, I am happy that I could gather ard with everyone and share the joys and happiness together, and share what is happening ard since we had not seen for so long. Many of my aunt when they first saw me they couldn't recognized me, and they I had grown up =D hahas.. and they started asking difficult questions which I found it hard to answer..hais..this's the part which I hate the most..-_- but anyway, I do enjoyed the new year celebration.
Okay guys, I am off to work..take care people!

7:50 PM (:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
School reopen on the 3rd of sep. Next semester I will be in W55k, a new class learning environment & it's time to make new friends again! I will be in the same class with some people in the first sem, people like ailing, hakim & faliq. I had gotten the four module I have selected & am lucky to be remain in my own class for all module unlike some of my frens who change classes once or twice in a week. Oh yeah! i can see my friends very soon(:
Sat -30/8Baby cooked for me. So sweet of him(: Full of love..

Picture hunting too! He looked so cute when he was young, even now he does too^^ I'm so in love with him!
Sun -31/8Met up with jen, rui xiu, chist & baby to escape theme park. I were very excited when we reached the escape theme park. We played games like haunted house, invertor, go-kart, pirate ship, fippers, coaster! Jen's addiction was go-kart, she played the most number of times^^ At first I tot that invertor was scary. For the first time queuing, both guys assured me that it wont be what I tot. After playing it for the first time, I told baby let's played it for the second time again!(: Baby can't stopped laughing when we were at the pirate ship. The min when the pirate ship went up and went down I screamed again & again. arhhh!!
Around 7 plus we left the place & had our dinner. Due to so much screaming, my throat feel pain after the entire day! But i had so much fun!(:

10:00 AM (:
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
its chinese new year eve today!=) I am looking forward to cny..hahas..happy chinese new year to all !!^^

6:16 AM (:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I just reach home, I was so pissed off..omg, i took the wrong bus man! and took me 1 hour plus to reach home no difference of taking a mrt home..arh!! sotong me dunno is too tired , saw a bus coming when i reached the busstop and nv thought much and took the bus...WTH! when I in the bus then I tot about it " wat bus did I took?" and I realised I m in the 171 bus..lucky the bus got go panjang just that in the longer way, if not arh i dunno how am i going to go home man! aiya..sotong de me-_-
today is my last day working wacoal fair at taka & finally my legs can have a rest..^^ I am done with shopping for new year stuff, I couldn't believe I spent so much just the make up alone and I spent nearly about 50 plus today on buying make up..then brought another tube on wacoal brand, too tempting.. yest I brought one black one and today xh found another colour just of the same size, in the end I couldn't control myself and decided to buy it..quite ok la, nv regert buying cos the material is very soft and comfortable=) ok, so now enough of spending money, if not I will be broke sooner or later..

6:02 AM (:
Friday, February 1, 2008
I gotten a stomach upset right after I woke up, the pain is killing me! I feel much better now after a few time in and out of the toliet and applyof some medical oil..argh!! I will be working at taka later with xin hui and her friend, the work last for a few days before CNY starts, and there is a special bra promotion there, so maybe girls your can come down and have a look..
Yeah, Gonna catch some lunch with kor first at lot one before going to work..so see ya(=

6:41 PM (: