Wednesday, April 30, 2008

These are some picture taken yest (during school) & today (outing) with the gals. Yeah! I met up huizhen, lyndia & ailing today, first we headed to westmall to have our eyes check becos me and huizhen wanted to buy contact lens. Huizhen's contact lens were expensive so she decided to buy next time. As for me, the person check my degree and say I dun really have to wear a contact lens becos of my degree (125, 50)if I wear I may feel unbalance & feel dizzy..so she told me to get used wearing my spec everywhere first before i start wearing contact. I tot my degree went up, after all it's still maintain. ok, after that we shop ard westmall and we decided to go NP! the weather is extremely hot, we climbed up and down the stair for so many times in order to reach the bookstore, we bought the lecture notes..cool right?? we are hardworking student!=D hahas. While waiting for our notes for printing, we went to eat at the canteen. After that, we decided to go off from NP. Aling waited for her np fren to go home while lyndia go work. Me and huizhen went to jurong point! we saw cutes wallet there, so tempting..but we didn't buy instead we went to nail palace to have our nails painted. I promise I will be never go there again..
Yeah! today is another holiday without school(=

6:21 AM (:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up in the morning & was feeling extremely tired. I dragged myself to school. Today appiled chem problem wasn't so hard. We manage to finish our ppt before the second break. First UT today. Some questions were easy, except for the calculation part was quite hard. Headed home right after UT.
Will be having two days off from school tom and thur! meeting my classmates tom to westmall! Yeah! ^^
know what I wanted to do the most now? go stars grazing! anyone?(=

6:03 AM (:
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The takashiya shopping mall was quiet compared to the previous weeks. I went to work today. Work with vivian!! had not seen her for a week, I missed her & she said she missed me too! hahas..she was tempt by me becos I always ate tom yam soup during break & she told me to buy for her during the lunch break, I didn't ate tom yam soup today cos my stomach dun feel good these few days. so for the time being no spicy & fried food for me
=( oh ya, Someone treated us drinks today! hahas..cos I help e person buy his meal, 3 person foods to carry from lucky plaza all the way to takashiya. heavyheavy! but we really like the food there^^& ya, I will be off from work for a week for next week.
Saw pohpoh just now, when I board the train from pending gg back home. I didn't saw her until she tagged my shoulder. I miss her!!! she seem to be busy with school work & work. hope we can meet out sometime.
very tired! arhhh...gg to sleep now. good nite ppl!

6:59 AM (:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
In the afternoon, I went lot one with mum as she wanted to buy some stuff for e house. & I bought myself a shirt & a pair of slippers. Oh, I really really love my pink slippers..shall wear it to school on monday!^^Came back home do some cleaning & washing. Fell asleep on the sofa after that. I just had my dinner. Mum cooked my fav dishes tonight. thanks mummy!
I love tonight cos when i looked out of the window I could see the stars!=D

5:50 AM (:
Friday, April 25, 2008
hmmmm, I'm seriously tired in class just now. I fell asleep on my laptop right after I finish bathing. tom is sat!! I can finally get a good rest tom! oh ya, I had fun laughing in the class today, e gals are all so sweet =D
I miss sweetheart! Sweetheart called, telling me she get 10 out of 10 for spelling, i feel so proud for her..

3:58 AM (:
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Class was fun today, we were given straws and paper to make our own DNA molecule structure!! cut the straw & papers into pieces and tape them tgt..kind of fun. & we dun need to do ppt today, instead we use mahjong paper to draws diagram, label them & present to the class during third meeting..cool uh? I love today lesson!=D
Ya, so shall tahan for tom lesson & finally is weekends again. Yeah! tom is my pay day, hahas..bro was asking me when is the treat, he knows I will be getting my pay soon. I still owned him since my last pay..I shall bring my family out for dinner treat maybe on sat? gosh...happy happy! I simply missed watching movie...I can't even rmb the last time I watched movie, is like month ago?I hope I have e time to catch a movie soon!
oh ya, something happened just now & spoiled my mood totally! arghh..whatever..forget it!
我一点都没有心情跟你开玩笑。虽然我不容易生气不代表一个人没有忍耐的限度。不关这是不是你的真心话我真的好不喜欢, 因为现在和已前不同了..

5:03 AM (:
Monday, April 21, 2008
Here are some pic which was took yest..^^
jen looked so mature!=D
here we are at ajisen! while waiting for our food..
Crayfish ramen! we ordered..
hmmm....hungry...start eating=)
Here we are in the toliet taking pictures!
what's that pose of mine?hahas.
we took neoprint!^^ $11!! but nice, we like it..
Lastly me & my messy hair!=X more meeting up ok?=)I'm so sorry that I didn't talk much with anyone who chatted with me in msn today. I was too tired & so moody...
School's really killing me. arghh!! problem're getting tougher & harder..Anatomy lesson was interesting but getting difficult can you imagine someone with no biology background at all facing all this stress?? Most of my classmates all faced with the same problem! stress arhh!! oh...I can't imagine how I gg to live with this..&PP!! gosh..Tom shall be attending the PP workshop, hopeful I can get started my PP asap. Ideas! Ideas! please come..
i need a hug...

6:18 AM (:
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Today's my off day!~yeah! wake up at 10am..took my lunch & rest awhile first before gg meet my darling jen. She msg me last night asking if I could want to meet her, of cos I would love to...hahas. Had not seen her for such a long time. Really miss everything. So shall meet her go bugis or town later bah(:
Oh ya today is Sya & joeven bd!
happy brithday sya & joeven!^^ As I know there's quite a num of ppl bd & there's quite a num of ppl coming to the shop yest buying gift for either their gf or frens. There's alot of april babies! hehes. Oh ya, yest at work was funny, vivian kept calling me nicknames-_-& she kept making fun of me & the guy next door known as her "didi", they found it werid was I had been working there for almost 2 months & yet we had not talk to each other even a word. hahas, am i scare of him or wat? I think is influence by doris bah becos she used to told me "something" about him & she dislike him. Yest we got three ppl working in the shop, vivian, jesscia & me! But vivian went off at 6.3o. I waited for jesscia until 9.45 & we walked to mrt station tgt. Shall see them again next week^^until I met you, that one day..

7:11 PM (:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Scary dream I had last night, she came to me telling me that you treat her badly, have you? hmmmm, maybe it's just a dream...how can a dream become a reality?
Today was almost late for school, hahas..but still manage to reach just in time to the class! If not will deduct 0.5 & i definitely dun wan to break that record. gosh...why can't we had e 15 mins more again like what we had in the last sem? I dun understand why e school wants to change the rule & everyone was like start panicing rushing to the intercharge to take the bus, & it will be damn long queue & same goes to those who walks to school the traffic will be packed too. Even rushing to the class , usually the lift will be packed with lots of ppl. We tried our best to wake up early in the morning, go to school early but due to this problem, we just can't help it. So sometime is not totally the student fault for being late. Hope e school will change back to the old rules.
ya, today saw quite a num of frens in school which I haben seen for long (: shall meet up for lunch ya? school was normal..hmmm, problem was not that easy. I felt sleepy, my mind was like kept on repeating to myself when can school end! I didn't sleep well these days. Sometimes I wouldn't make myself to sleep, kept tossing ard the bed. maybe i'm just too stress.. Went home with dy right after school ends. Had to rush down to town right after that, I almost forgot that I had to meet ling for dinner..omg, until she called & remind me! sorry gal, for being late. I bought a shirt from fareast & ling bought a watch, a levis jean.. although i'm tired but i enjoyed my day especially those jokes and your listening ears. I'm so glad u were here today^^
tomorrow I wil be working & sun shall be my off day, maybe some rest & some revision or something?

8:11 AM (:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I wan change new blog skins! BUT I can't find a blogskins that I like..maybe some other day~
Woke up very early today although I had no class today. I was woke up by a call, arghh! after the call I can't make myself to went back to sleep again. Sad. Sleepy~ on my laptop, online..hahas, melissa was like asking me why I woke up so early when I had no class today..I can't believe my sleep was spoiled by just a call! ya, anyway, went breakfast with kor cos his lesson starts late. We ate the mac, kor super good! treated me big breakfast although I kept INSISTED to pay for myself..I insisted!! But he still INSISTED to pay for me..hahas, in the end he won..kor, i knew u wan said me sotong le right? okay, after that, hang out ard at the playground talk alot alot of craps then kor headed to school while I went home. After that went out again with mum becos she need to buy some grocery & I want be a good gal so help her carry..hahas, & we had lunch oustide.
Oh ya, I went for the PP talk yest! arghh! really so sucky la, shouldn't had gone. really wasting my time! they r repeating the same thing as what i had been hearing since my Year 1.Yeah, pp makes me crazy! arghh! until now i still haben decide on a topic yet. kill me pls.. I hope the workshop which I sign up next tue can help me..really, I feel so dead.
Oops...I'm missing someone now..hehes. nite!^^

5:48 AM (:
Monday, April 14, 2008

Today lab work was kind of fun(; hahas..each group was playing with the plastine to make our own clayman, some of the group clayman was quite funny. my group manage to make one which is shown above.. haha with halves limes added. Had fun but was quite stress out with the problem today becos somewat we were lost. Guess have to start revising again..
stil having stomachache. argghh!! i dunno what happen la..was it the food that I eaten last night? the pain is killing me.
they said you're getting nearer & you have a purpose. are you? I can't be bother also. Just let it be,, we are still frens & i wont allow the mess to happen again.

4:44 AM (:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Rain, rain dun seem to go away, was almost wet although I brought umbrella to work. Today work was
kena fun(:, the first thing
vivian saw me when I went in to the shop was " jasmine, i tot you forgot to come today
hahas...almost scared her cos I reached just in time for work & normally i will be early but due to rain today traffic jam. I miss the jokes, the disturbing & chatting..
hahas. seriously I miss them. Was
surprised to hear from
vivian that
ps de fren gt help out during weekdays at the shop & she still
rmb me although i seen her once. her name also
vivian but they called her
hahas..gt two
vivian in the shop
le. Ya, wanted to eat so many food today, one week
nv go work & i miss the food at lucky plaza
de. in the end I had the tom yum soup, super duper nice! now thinking
wat to eat for tom
yaya, today gt a pervert come to e shop..
disguesting man, i was inside the storeroom eating &
vivan suddenly came in & told me the er
xin uncle come again he always come to the shop ask gt this color of panties or that colour of bras, & touched the panties & bras here & there but he
ususally nv buy
eeeeeeee...so old
le stil like that very er
xin leh...i think these kind of
pervertic person must be aware of them...yuck! really
disguest me.
little sweetheart called me just now, sweet^ask me eat dinner
le mar..
hahas. that small little gal always make my day even better.
k, sweet dream ppl(;

10:03 AM (:
Friday, April 11, 2008
Met alot of my frens & classmates in school today. Not very good today, module was not bad, but the faci bad bad bad. Some ppl in the class were like dotdotdot... cos our class & her had some communication problem. Basically, she dun understand our language & we dun understand hers. Angry! arhhh..my class was like another china faci? hahas! & one of my classmate even mention that he wants to trick her e next lesson..I can't believe that at e first module that we had with her, our class alrdy starts to dislike her.
Today wasn't feeling good, went with dy to cwp after school to collect stuff for her sis, but the lady makes us wait so long & asked us to wait after that she will attend us. In the end, both of us can't wait for the lady & decided to go home. ya, outside the main enterance to cwp, met a stupid lady who came & said us when we did nothing wrong, so unreasonable! wat's wrong with her! arghhh...Went home do my RJ & kor called..yup, so went down to meet him. hahas..he bring his cute little sis along, a fun lovely gal! She brought a lolipop for me & tell me "jiejie, bu yao bu kai xin, nah give u sweet sweet."ahhas..I finally smiled, kor must have told her I'm not in a good mood..thanks little sweetheart(: We went to BP, sweetheart said she wants strawberry de sundae icecream, was happy ^^becos I found somebody who same as me likes strawberry one. Brought the icecream & shared with her cos she can't finish alone. shopshop awhile then kor wanted to send sweetheart home first before gg for the bd party. Yea, is kor de fren micky bd, was kena invited from him although i dun really know him well. hahas. anyway,
happy birthday micky!*^^ went to his house, many many ppl! hahas..nice food!^^ his mum really can cook well. Play card game, chitchat awhile then home sweet home. Nw holding on to e lolipop that sweetheart gave me, i'm still smiling..It remind me of being a child there's has no worrys, a child is still a child.. At times their inoccent act can makes a person forget abt their trouble in awhile & start smiling..how sweet!tom & sun i will be working..
everyone, enjoy ur weekends(:

7:18 AM (:
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Molecular and Cell Biology module was fun! no stress at all..(= i had a pretty
faci too, she was quite nice & is willing to guild us along the way. I'm getting to know more
ppl in class, met some really nice classmates too!^^ hope to know them better..
hehes. Nowadays,
there're frens who asked me "
jas, how' life?, doing good?" I can proudly say that I enjoyed my life now, although it' so much different previously compare to now, more busy with school & stress with science modules everyday but I dun really mind, I love my life as how it goes everyday, do
wat i want & more more more..I love my
frens cos they make me go
lala!! They are my happy pills(=I love my family cos I
nv feel that
i'm alone to handle things myself & they will always be there for me if i needed them
ard. I know where
i'm gg & looking for in life, weather I had lost or i had gained anything previously, it doesn't really matters now..
becos I seriously love my life now!! so you have no rights to tell me where to go, leave me alone & I will be glad enough, it's just me!

4:19 AM (:
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Why would one feeling depressed do foolish things or make themselve drunk? I don't understand why has some ppl will do that? I had a fren which make me feel so sad for him telling me he gonna make himself drunk becos of some problem..I mean is okay to feel depressed & sad about something but there's is always a solution to it, even there's isn't, allow yourself to be alone for awhile & then looked forward tell yourself to be strong, there's always someting more worth for u to live. Some people said life's beautiful...some may agreed with me & some may nt. Life can be beautiful depend on how u spent ur life, although sometime in life one may meet some obstanble when u get over the problem you will find life is so full of meaning, its beautiful. There's always a rainbow after e rain. life's so beautiful...so please treasure urself.
Just now damn sad & shocking when I heard that news from my mei , i couldn't believe that the instructors actually treat them this way. I'm really so dsappointed..SYF will be held next sat hope my school band make us proud. wish them the best. Met jen just nw, went popular then library with her, had the new flavour icecream after that at mac, called milo mcfurry? i guess...hahas quite nice lar but the more u eat the more u feel it's sweet. Went to her house sit sit, talk talk awhile then went home le. Now online chatting with my frens complaining about tom school starts so early like not used to it...Nearly two months didn't wake up so early le..)= now have to start over a new life again.
arhhh..hope tom will be fine, wish me luck on my first day(=

5:12 AM (:
Friday, April 4, 2008
Met up with cm & dy just now! Had pastamania, hahas..we asked for student promotion which has 30% off for any original meal order. So great! get to pay lesser, this is my first time trying e mussels & clam pasta , it taste quite nice especially when the whole pasta is serve with tomato herb! Love tomatoes paste lots lots! cm ate the marinara pasta & dy had the chicken & mushroon pizza. We were all full after that & satisfied with e food! hahas..walked to centre point de edu cafe had some drinks & cupcakes, wah..alot of ppl interview for the job in edu..I kept insisted dy & cm to finish their drink & cupcakes becos i wan go shopping! hahas..Finish our drink & cupcakes already went to shop ard in edu! hahas, three of us took some of the clothes we like for trying, I brought 3 edu shirt today! spent so much again, lucky dy had the membership card having 10% off & I spent almost 50 plus just like that..The gals also buy some stuff there. Went simlim square with cm after that, her mp3 gt some problem & need some help to fixed after that gg bugis shopped ard bugis street & I went home while cm go find her fren after that. I had fun today! Especially when me & cm talked about guys & r/s stuff, funny la..hahas...i love gg shopping with them!^^ Tom called bk to work again, school will be reopen in 2 days time...stress coming up & have to be double hardworking this time cos i heard its getting tougher. arhhh...

7:15 AM (:
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Apologised for not gg to my sem 1 class chalet last night, was tired right after I end my work. Called up melissa & to hear update what's gg on there..aiya, I'm missed your!!(=
Earlier on in the afternoon went lot one with mum, went shop ard & had some dessert with her^^. Poh bestie msg me asked me if I'm free just now to accompany her go imm daiso buy some stuff for her project & maybe find some inspiration there. Shop ard the whole shop, one bamboo basket cloth caught my eyes, veri cute! & decided to buy it so that i can replace the old one which i put all my hair clip inside. I buy another container to put all the facial stuff & make up. After paying for the stuff, poh kept on complaining that she's hungry, so we went to long john to have our lunch=) ate the combo one, since long time nv eat it i i didn't know that it's getting much more expensive again. wah, increase $0.30 leh! poh & me kept complaining the stuff which was getting more expensive while eating..hahas. Went shopped ard the mall & decide to go home. due to rain, waited for the shuttle bus for thirty mins! so crowded & some even want cut our queue, so angry! argghh..why ppl nowadays a kiasu one. Reached home about 7 plus.
tom will be meeting darlings cm & dy go town have lunch & shop ard, see your tom! (=

7:27 AM (:
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Work seem alright yest , but it was so quiet today..time passed very slow, went to the bank to help the company bank in cheque, went back to the shop talked to vivian & rox awhile, then rox gg bk at 6.30pm. Me & vian talked alot..hahas..lucky got something to kill the time. Thanks vivian for the hello panda cookie, hahas..she was cute, always want to challenge me to eat see who can eat e faster, & she always be be faster one..she will start saying me slow & eat so si wen, hahas..funny la, the way she talked, or act always nv failed to make me laugh, & we and rox yest was teasing her about she looked like jin shan shuan ( a korean actress) hahas..cos of her hair yest & the way she act really looked quite alike.
I can't go to my class chalet today le, i gt work, so no choice. So, I will be working later on..Yest april fool, fool by alot of people, first is mum, then my frens...my gan di yest night suddenly called me, had not been seeing him for half year le i guess, still the cheerful him, he even fooled me that he gotten the HIV & i tot it was real, How silll was i, to believe such a joke..arhhh, fooled by him. He like to say me innocent blur jie jie, I dunno wat's that mean la..scold him this zhu, made me angry but also very hao siao..After that, msg shawn he told me got the yu le bian fen bian,then i go watch e show finish le then I prepare to go to bed le.
woke up at at 10 am & I prepare some ingredients to fried noodle, it turned out so yummy! (= want some?

8:18 AM (: