Friday, May 30, 2008
It's raining now. I finally saw cousin today!
I skipped today's chemistry lesson. I had no mood for class today. Firstly I woke up late, then I was late for class. Then I decided not to go to class. Met up with ailing. We had breakfast at W1. Huizhen & lyndia find us during first break. We chatted so much today. I love the chat!:)
I saw my swimming mate just now! Few years back he was still sooo...now HE IS SO TALL ALREADY. Omg! I couldn't recognise him after he approached me asking me if I still rmb him. And he said that I've changed too.
I'm off for dinner now. Bye.
*Promise are not meant to be broken.

1:21 AM (:
Thursday, May 29, 2008
OH YA! shawn asked me to help him ask ard if there is anyone that wants to go click 5 concert. selling 2 tix for 60 each. premier row. standing 1. in front of stage. It's this sunday. anyone wants please let me know?=)
You called & hang up just like that without a word. Send me a msg asking if I'm angry with u. I'm not angry with u, I just don't know where to begin. Next time drop by and say at least a hi alright?

7:15 AM (:
i had been tagged by huizhen! =)
Rules of the Game.
A.) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B.) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
C.) Have FUN!
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? Deeply hurt. maybe a BREAK UP?
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? Earn alot of money to support my mummy & daddy! live happily.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like? I never thought about it yet.
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? No
#5. Do you like cheese ?Yes! BUT I HATE BLUE CHEESE.
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?Being loved!
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? If he's worth waiting for & if he loves me?
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?Maybe find someone better.
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?Yea.
#10. What is the most heart breaking moment for you so far? When I saw something that I don't want to see.
#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?by then i will be 29? Get married, have kids? lol
#13. Who are currently the most important people to you? Family & my happy pills!
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?huizhen is cute, sweet & thoughful!=)
#15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor? It depends. If I loved him, things can be work out tgt.
#16. What is the first thing you do every morning?Open my eyes?
#17. Would you give all in a relationship?depends.
#18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?Pick the one who deserve to be with.
#19. What type of friends do you like?Friends who knows how to appreaciate & treasure frendship.

6:26 AM (:
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
oh no..kor telling me stupid joke now. Though it's quite stupid, But it's quite funny la...AND he's trying so hard to entertain me huh..so nice of him & his effort. Alright, I'm smiling now alright?:)
One UT passed. I have one rest day tomorrow & also a day for me to revise my mircobiology UT which is on thur. 3 more days and will mark the starts of the two weeks holiday! I want to go thailand! But too bad, I can't go with my frens. Cos their holiday is after mine. But anyway, I will be happy enough to meet up with them one of these days.
I kept asking myself "Have I get used to it? or does it have other meaning?"

6:20 AM (:
Monday, May 26, 2008
This week is not FUN at all! Got two Ut in a row..arghhh!! class're getting so boring. I'm starting to have holiday mood.
Cousin said he saw me in school today! But i didn't saw him...sad! so long never see him. I was so happy when he msn me telling me he can see that I had dyed my hair. he said it's obvious! oh ya, Finally at least someone notice it. Hahas..

6:03 AM (:
Saturday, May 24, 2008
omg! I think I met a pervert yest! I were too frightened that I even had nightmare last night.
(anyway, thanks for being there hearing me out,=))
I'm so reluctant to do anything today. I woke up late. Having headaches. Lazy to go down for late breakfast when dad asked me to follow him & mum. Sigh! I think i need a icecream to cheer my day. Shall get some icecream later..Bye!=)

7:23 PM (:
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Today is my dad's 45 Years Old birthday!
Papa!! HAPPYBIRTHDAY to you!=D

Sorry is all i can say. There's no way turning back to the past. had i not given u enuf? Chance is given to some1 who deserve and know how to treasure it. You can said me heartless.. But I think is better if we are friends.

4:41 AM (:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The pain in my stomach is killing me like hell! OMG! I kept turning my body ard the bed laaa!=(

6:18 AM (:
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
arghh!! tired, tired! feel so sleepy the whole day especially during presentation. Can just fell asleep like that. Omg! i saw my bro's gf just now under my block. hahas! this' s the second time i saw her, such a sweetie to bring food for my bro! oh gosh...=D
oh ya, yest I went out with jen!! First we went bugis, then walked to Esplanade. After that Jen suggested we take a scoll to see the ferry wheel. yeah! I wan to ride on ferry wheel one day! I wan to have the feel of sitting inside, taking picture, appreciating the beautiful scene outside =D anyone wan to take ferry wheel too??

she's one of my bestie, jenny!ilher..=)

6:15 AM (:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO SHAWN! It's his 20th brithday..
(sorry for rmb the wrong date of ur bd boy, millions of sorry!)

7:27 PM (:
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I feel so sad for those who are still suffering due to the china earthquake. The earthquake had causes so many death of people, some still not found, most who died are children who has still such a way to go and yet they are suffering all this, is really so unfair. And those who manage to survive had lost their love ones. It's so hurting hearing & seeing all this news. Today me, vivian and cat were talking about the news, I nearly cry...haiss. We really should count ourselves lucky living here, and appreciate what we have. We are much more fortunate.
Quite busy today at work. Great singapore has just started. Looking at those ppl carrying all those big bags ard the shopping mall, made me drool. I want to go shopping too!! oh ya, saw that guy next door again, make fun of me again everytime i walked pass..called me nickname!! arhhh...now everyone in the shop knew the nickname he gave me already and start calling me that. Omg! i gg to have nightmare tonight..

9:52 AM (:
Friday, May 16, 2008
Listening to the songs now. Feeling tired now but not yet feeling to sleep at this
friday night when there's no need to go school tom. Just now thought popping out from my mind, I mean it's has been a long long time I sit down quietly in deep thought thinking of something. Or reflect about the something when things start to change or things that had happened. There's some flash back of memories when there's good or the bad times. I
remembered someone told me good memories are meant for keeping but for the bad ones throw them away, one should look forward & never look back cos there's still lots of wonderful things ahead waiting for you. So just now I wrote all my unhappy thoughts in pieces of paper, & put it in a bottle. That's when I encouraged myself to move on. But hey, I'm not
emo ok?
hahas..i was just trying to reflect & forget..
*What does it mean if someone dream of a particular person continuously over & over again for the past few nights?

7:37 AM (:
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wow! smoky2!!
Today chem lesson. My team was having fun experiment with the dry ice given to us=D ohya, I so happy. Today bestie msg me telling me her project is finished! So long of hardwork & I'm sure her effort will pay off. & I will be meeting her out next week! yeah, cos i miss you bestie!!=) Not forgetting my happy pills, I miss all of you too!
Actually when I saw all that just now, I nearly cry. But I promise to hold it back becos it's not worth it at all. to cry. I couldn't understand, why she kept on doing all this. Although me and you is already the past . & She got what she wanted, now what does she still want? pestering me? My attention? My jealously? or showing me she has won everything? No, She didn't cos every actions of hers disgust me! So just get out of my way.

4:11 AM (:
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Here are some pictures took yest!=D

Lastly, Star rox!=)

5:53 AM (:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy mother's day!!=)
Mummy, I love you..

3:47 AM (:
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Work today. It was nice to know a new staff there, her name is Cat. The shopping mall occupied with people today, even the washroom..I had a hard time waiting & queuing for it=( So many people buying mother's day gift today especially the Kalm shop across us, there's alot of people choosing for gift. One very funny incident happened in the shop, there was three guys coming into the shop, one of the guy told me he wants to pick a mother's day gift for his mum and asked if I can help him. I asked for the size & he made a call. After which he came back telling me "it's B75" I told him there is variety of designs for the sizes he wants & I asked what type of design do his mum usually perfers. He answered " I want something which can make my dad happy!" I stunned " something that makes ur dad happy?!" hahas...Vivian laughed " you mean sexy sexy type one huh" everyone in the shop laughed..even his frens. So vivan recommended him the set one $59,90 one, that filial son finally brought for his mum in the end. I can't believe this guy is so good at choosing. hahas. oh ya, Vivian treat me old chang kee today. thanks vivian!=)
I had blueberry muffin when I reached home. Super Duper nice lor. Mum bought for me de=D yummy!!!!

9:32 AM (:
Friday, May 9, 2008
Today we learnt about replication! Not really that
difficult. We manage to finish e the class
presentations & 6p at about 3.35! cool right?=)
Mother's day is coming!!! this coming
Sunday!! I still had no idea what to buy for her. In that case maybe shall treat the family for dinner if i still can't get any present for her.
Yeah! meeting my stupid
kor for dinner later on.
Kor called me stupid
mei. Since he has a stupid
mei then he is stupid too, right

3:28 AM (:
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Boring, boring, boring problem today. Some of my classmates left, due to the stupid hard problem. I tot wanted to leave too. In the end I didn't, guai guai de stay till class end. so hmmmm..at least I learnt something rather than nothing at all. Yeah! I took a picture with huizhen. We both wear bright skirt to school today=)

Pink huizhen & blue jasmine!
vivian called me jus now! wah...i miss her & her cheerful voice! hahas. yeah, will be back to work this sat.

4:33 AM (:
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today its rains! i can't believe that it actually rain after so long of hot weather. A very nice cooling weather. I like it...
Came back home almost 2 plus or 3. Wanted to cook something to filled my stomach, since bro just came back from school i asked him if he wants to eat anything so that I can make his share too. He wanted to. So decided to cook tom yum soup noodles! yummy! =) It turned out alright especially the soup is perfectly ok not too dilute or what. I guess bro likes it too, as I never heard him complaining about the food & he finished all up.
oh ya, I wanted to watch " fated to love you." I heard it's nice..I'm off to BP plaza now. bye!

1:36 AM (:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I love today! Problem was much more easy compare to the previous few weeks, my team was fun! Just can't stop laughing, spent with them the whole second break in the library searching for bks, doing reesearch and doing ppt. Arhhh..but really so retarded to do UT today. Ut for mircbiology was diffcult!! Scary...I almost faint when I saw the questions. Was suppose to meet kor for dinner but was cancel due to some matter. So after UT I headed home!(=
tom I'm off from school again.. but I will be gg hosptial in the early morning...

4:33 AM (:
Monday, May 5, 2008
Done with Cell and molecular UT today. Next microbiology UT will be tom! I feel that I was racing with time, even in the morning rushing to class..it makes me feel so tiring. I just can't stop complaining anything that I'm not satisfied about.
do you know? words are just not enough..

6:48 AM (:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Woke up at 8.30am, tot wanted to sleep a little longer but was asked to go outside for breakfast. Dad and mum brought me to mac, was happy=) it's has been such a long time that I had breakfast at mac, is either school or I was just too lazy to go out. Ya, so I had sausage muffin with harsh brown and ice Milo! was hyper...happy chatting away with mum & dad. Saw two young girls sitting beside us fighting away for a toy, i told mum and dad " that was so childish!" hahas.. they told me "didn't it remind you of the past of you & ur bro, your used to be like that when your are young" oh ya, that was true. Thinking of that, it's quite embarrassed of having such a childish act. Bro and me used to be like that, child is always a child..fight over small matters. That was indeed funny. But now we learnto give in to one another, this shows we had grown up=D
I got my hair dye. wanted to dye brown. The colour is coco beidge looked alike like brown. hais. But dunno why the colour turned out so different. Like same as the past colour that I dyed before. Mum and dad said it's different but bro said it the same. omg..i think it look the same too. waste money again! Didn't go anywhere today. Stay at home study for tom UT test & watch tv..talked crap to everyone in the, hahas..I'm in a good mood so I love talking.
I came across one website just now, it's quite interesting..see what's yours?(=

12:45 AM (:
Friday, May 2, 2008
I so miss bestie!!!School was fine. Just that some of us seem to be quite restless bk to school after the two days off from school. I'm one of them..hahas. I'm feeling I become lazier...& Problem getting tougher..oh ya, tomorrow is weekends! & I'm free from work for this week. Will be gg out for some shopping tom & spent my sometime study in the weekends. I will be having two UT next week on mon and tue & will left one more UT which is on 13 of may. I just finished watching They Kiss Again Episode 20 just now. I cried, the story was too touching, In this story it shows us what true love is all about. There goes a part when the husband told his wife "不准離開我任何事情都有我在, 只要是妳的我都愛, 我怕沒你的每一天" I love the story, there may be so much
obstacles that happened, they did not give up on each other. They still love and cares for their another half. If it happen in reality I believe it will be the most happiness moment, at least there's still someone that cares.
I tired..bed time! good nite..

7:46 AM (:
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Alright, in the afternoon I met up with Ling2 at plaza for a chat & some ice cream. I finally get to see her ever since that chalet I attended month ago. We got so much to chat. from school to family to work to r/s. So much to update. Went back home after hours of chatting, I wasn't feeling well since morning. 1 hour of sleep, then i decided to on my laptop to continue watching 惡作劇2吻 that I had watched half way. Someone totally spoiled my mood when chatted with me. I'm get so irritated & so upset..
don't you had enough of all this??after all this months..You alrdy get what you wan & so stop irritate me asking & telling me all those bullshit things! cos i won't even give a damn, get it??
As promise, I still own dad, mum & bro a meal, so I bought them out for dinner. The meal although cost a little ex, I dun mind, it's worth it as long as they are happy..
I'm still not feeling well, I hope I can make it to school tom.
gonna rest early tonight.. good nite!

4:34 AM (: