Monday, June 30, 2008
Screw up my UT for chem..damn hard!
Seem like my six sense can be 99% true. This strong feeling had turned into reality. Whatever it is, I will tell myself I will never get defeated, I need to overcome this.
Tomorrow team i like!(:

8:07 AM (:
Friday, June 27, 2008
This is the most slacking day in class today. Everyone were so reluctant to do anything becos of hard chemistry problem. Our class spent our 2nd break watching movie and slacking ard, talking and stuff. Our team only had 5 sildes which means that each person took one slide to present which was like so little..We ended class quite early today. About 3.15 and the faci could only let us left only at 3.30. Headed to Jp with lyn, huizhen and ailing. We went pizza hut for dinner & then do some shopping before gg home. I lost my eyelash curler & I finally bought my it today!(:
I had submitted my module selection for sem 2! 2 Electives (A232Genetics, A231Immunology) 2 core module (A233Pharmacology and ToxicologyA223Biochemistry). I didn't choose applied chem as my elective becos applied chem 1 has alrdy drive me crazy!! So applied chem 2 is out in my list!
Jessica just called me! Sweet.. she said she misses me=D
This is what u showed me . I just too pissed off to even look or say anything.

6:27 AM (:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I had a bad stomach cramp today! =(
I love this star grazing night, looking at the dark sky searching for those tiny shining creature "stars!" There were so many in the dark sky like they were smiling at me. At that point of time I felt so calm & relax I wished I could fell asleep surrounded by them, those feeling is so indescribable until u were there to get a feel of it. (ty!^^)
Meeting bestie very soon! yeah!!(: IMY!

8:16 AM (:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Went movie catched the Kung fu panda today! Kung panda is so cute!!! I can't stopped laughing in the whole movie. Arhhh..Cute laa...especially its bigbig tummy. hehes! Then went to Rose garden at Far east to have our lunch. Damn hungry. We endured through the whole movie becos we don't want missed the moive time which was like 2pm and for the next movie is like 3 plus and it will be too late. Shop ard awhile then ril headed to work while I went home & we went on separated ways. The stupidiest part is I took the wrong train! I needed to alight at cityhall to change the train toward to Boon lay, then I don't know why I took the train headed toward bugis side. Arhh..so unlucky!=( Oh ya, i bumped onto xin hui & lin ming otw home!
I found the " my absolute boyfriend" in crunchy roll. I had read the manga online and I didn't know that it has a drama. Omg. I goanna to watch it! Maybe I will spend tonight watching few episode^^

7:36 AM (:
Friday, June 20, 2008
Finally last UT 2 was over. No work in the weekends. Rest! Fun! Movies! here I come..(:
This is torturing. Maybe i did it right or maybe I had done it wrong. It's painful. But only just for tonight..I will try to endure. I won't cried.

7:36 AM (:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I felt so extreme tired. Especially i have to work tom. Kill me. I think i have to sleep early tonight.

6:51 AM (:
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Busy work day. But i definitely enjoyed myself today, time passed fast enough. JH said i always met werid ppl, i agreed with him. Today i met one again.The most scary part was I saw a man with a white shirt half of his shirt was covered with blood & his face was with scar and blood strain, on his hand he carry a box or something. I shouted to my colleagues asking them to look at him. Surprising, the guy suddenly looked into my shop. OMG! That scary look of him. I quickly turned my head away. Weird funny person. From far, I tot he really got himself injured or attacked by someone or something with blood cover his half body. Vivian told me it was the man that purposely dressed up this way. Lucky i did not faint!
Tomorrow working at takahimaya! School starts on Mon!
14 june- Happy advance 19th birthday to cousin!=) xi wang ni yi nian bi yi nian shuai wor. hahas!

8:59 AM (:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thanks sweeties for visiting me this morning!=)
I had sore throat since few days ago. Sadd. Vivian said honey helps. But I tried to drink still no cure. It's getting worst. I hope i don't lose my voice. For the time being, no potatoes chips, fried food, spicy food for me!

6:49 PM (:
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
i tot my eyes' was playing trick on me. gosh! my phone bill went up this time round=(
I had watched "sky of love" at
veoh just this afternoon. I searched it on crunchy roll & realised the video had been removed. Quite disappointed at first then saw a comment saying that I can
catched it at
veoh! cool(: go download the
veoh tv and watch the full version. I
soO in love with "sky of love!"
Lucky i wasn't late for work. I woke up at 11pm (: Finally a long sleep but it did not help things get any better. The more i slept, the lazier i am. Slow motion~

8:30 AM (:
Monday, June 9, 2008
Alright, I did a numbers of things. First I meet bestie to cityhall & get my stuff done. Then we sat down & had some sushi & donut! Non-stop chitchat. Saw bestie nafa fren, went to said hi to him=D oh ya I went for a hair cut just now. My fridge are short now! Somehow regerted that I cut it, short short fridge please grow faster ok?(: Had our dinner Bestie told me there were this guy and his fren kept looking at our direction. I told her I did noticed too, but i wasn't sure if it was my fren cos somewhat he just look alike like a schoolmate of mine just that he is much more skinnier? But if is him, he will sure shouted my name & say a hi to me like how he usually did in school. After eating, went to bought dad fav durian as part of Father's day treat since I will be working for sunday & won't have the time to celebrate. The uncle helped me choose the durian king 2 & half kg for $32.90 then i asked for discount & paid $30. Mum said it's too expensive but I'm fine with it as long dad is happy. Kor called just now. I met him, we hung out at the playground. Talked & talked. Thanks kor for the strawberry chocolate!(:

5:59 AM (:
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My off day today(: I went out for lunch this afternoon, headed to plaza awhile & come bk home for rest. Earlier on after the meal, I had a bad stomach pain. Arghhh! but now at least i feel better after taking med & some nap.
I received a mail from jessica just ago. Since I'm lazy to forward. I shall post it here instead. Do read it up. It's interesting! hahas

8:09 AM (:
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Out of no where I'm in love with bread again! hahas. I haben really been into eating bread ever since I quit my delifrance job two years back, I just get sick of bread & pasties and usually I will lose appetite when I saw them. I don't know why today those feeling of craving for bread suddenly come bk. (: it's a good thing isn't it?

8:14 AM (:
Friday, June 6, 2008
Woke up 9am today. Met up with
chumei &
dy at
jurong point for breakfast! We had lunch at Mac, then went shop shop saw a blouse at esprit very pretty, the price also very nice ($49.90). I did not buy,
becos it was beyond my
barget. In the end to make myself a
li happy, I took the blouse & gave it a try at least. I told
chu mei &
dy i must control myself from
spending money
becos I spent too much the last few days. So i must control!!!=) In the late afternoon, Met up with
Poh poh go
bugis. So much things to tell her & she got so much to update me too. I miss her la...so so much!=) So finally she has off day & we can meet up again. Then we headed to town to have our dinner & home sweet home!
One of my
fren's fren said I looked like one of his Ex
gf! Seem like i have a common face with other people.

6:22 AM (:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I wore my fav shirt to work today! Blue blue blue!=) oh ya, finally I brought something from the shop after working there for so long. hahas. Cos got discount mar...as well buy one & try. Just now I saw Petricia Mok!! hahas. I don't know why I feel so excited. I even shouted to vivian asking her to look outside the shop. Vivian said I shouted too loud & she thinks Petricia Mok heard me. OMG! i can't control my excitement at that time. I feel so shame=X But anyway, she looked quite pretty.

9:03 AM (:
Monday, June 2, 2008
I enjoyed myself yest. Met up with ailing, kaitian, huizhen, lyndia hot pant & jun hong:) We gals are crazy over shopping! I think we bored the guys. hahas. We took pictures too!

I wish more outing with your!^^ Love.

7:08 AM (:
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I had just changed my
blogskin!:) & replace a new
chatbox cos the old
tagboard had some error loading.
Yest was
evannia bd! Meet up with my sec school
frens & had lunch
tgt at the "
lerk thai"
restaurant. We headed to Esplanade afterward. Had so much fun with them. Especially taking lots of pictures. We had Haagen Dazs icecream too! X) I had stomach cramp just now & its hurts so much. It feels much better now. I need to get some sleep. sweet dream to me!

3:16 AM (: