Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Skipped lesson. Watch prom night movie today. A average movie i could said. The movie got some part scary then XL even tried to scare me more for the whole time in the cinemas, thanks again uh! Lucky i did not scream.. I can't wait to go back school again..miss two days classes, I miss my classmates..and ya..meeting both besties soon this week...cant wait to see them! Pastamania soon....(:

10:38 AM (:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Fri-25/7I woke up at 9 am in the morning. I woke up so early because I was hungry. Last night I only had a
strawberry swiss roll as my dinner. Yeah! 3 UT4 had finish, left one more which is next week(: and I can start skipping some of the lesson
alrdy. After UT went to
XL's class. Very impressive.
Becos I steal two movie from him!!
hehes. One is the hell boy Part1
becos I watch part two
liao, so I wanna watch part 1 too, another movie is the It a boy gal thing!
xie xie XL!(: Left school,
otw to the
mrt station..i met my cousin!
omg, i
sooo long
nv see him, he is getting more and more muscular & he told me he just went to GYM after school. COOL! ^^ XL said want to go to the
MUJI shop to get some stuff, so we headed to town & then marina square. The
MUJI shop at M.S is the biggest of all the three
MUJI shop in
singapore. I like the shirt there however, it is too ex for me to afford it. XL Brought some stuff inside ( mostly is food) , & I saw
strawberry marshmallows!! Then he get one for me(:
Waited for the bus for very long. Reach home late.
Sat-26/7I cancel two appointment today. I can't meet both my classmates to bowl & my
frens out
becos I had a wedding dinner to attend and I tot i will be
gg with my parent until something happened in the afternoon that pissed me off. Noon, I went out awhile to get something & when i came home I on my laptop and realised that when I start the window the
cusor couldn't move. And I restarted the laptop over and over again & realised that the cursor
stil hang there not moving. I quickly called my bro who had used my laptop previously when i was out to check if he had install anything and discovered that he installed the "
hamachi" which may be the cause of this fault to my
lappie. Thanks
ppl for helping me and finding ways to solve my
lappie problem- especially to
ril and cousin!
ur are great help & sorry to trouble
ur the whole day(: However, my
frens and cousin tried to find ways to help me but my
lappie still the same. I was fed up the whole day, in the end i did not have the mood to go for the dinner.
I got disappointed at that night, i was waiting & i tot u would...yet there is none..I put myself in a deep thought while i was on the bed & i found an answer for this, it had puzzled me for months & now i can only see it as " impossible". Actually you don't understand a single thing at all yet u think you have. I feel that all this while u had been lying, not only to me but also to yourself, this isn't what you want. You never there for me...
Sun-27/7Friends tried to cheer me up during the starts of my morning by sending me
msg telling me cheer up and my
lappie will be alright, some still did not give up & to keep finding solutions for me. I feel glad to have
frens around me who could lend me a helping hand when i am in trouble or were always there to comfort me. Its true
frens! (: I treasure and appreciate them too.
I brought a big stars
earing today! happy happy! (:
I got really surprised, at least u did. but yet it still did not change the way I feel about this.
Mon-28/7I did not go to class today. Was still hesitate to go
anot & I need to get my
lappie go check the problem. Decided not to go,
becos I did not sleep last night. Block nose is killing me! i can't breathe for the whole night & i manage to get a few hours of sleep this morning before I left to school. Went straight to IT help desk right after i reach school, e place were filled with laptop and there wasn't space for me to put mine. Lucky that person noticed me and asked me for my problem, he check my laptop disable the "
hamachi" and
del it away. Now my laptop is back to normal again(: I am so happy & smiling so widely. I saw ailing &
lyn today. I so miss them...& then Met
ril for lunch at W4 today, after that he send me to the road there while i go home & he go back school.
Now I can watch movie from my laptop!! laptop I miss u and love u! ^^

6:55 PM (:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Oh no..I can't stop squeezing!=( I told people not to miss me cos the moment they miss me, i start to squeeze. I'm lame... like how that "Somebody" always called me " miss lame!"

10:24 PM (:
Monday, July 21, 2008
I hate being sick again!=( Cough, Flu is back! I hate it so much...& today in the middle of the class I gotten fever. thanks huizhen for lending me her jacket for the whole day, thanks lyn for giving me her packet of tissue & thanks junhong for buying panadol for me & lastly thanks to all who asked me to take care..I must! Cos I seriously hate the feeling to be sick. I looked so pale, I don't have the mood to dolled up myself, I can't talk like how I always do, I can't laughed as cheerful as before, & Everything feel so sucky...I will definitely miss the gelare ice cream waffle & fish and co until I get well...
Oh gosh, I was very surprised, I received a call from my godbro (gan di) just now. I had not contact him for such a long time,but like how he always do, without failed once in awhile he will send me a msg to ask how am i. Just now he gave me a call! He just came back from Japan from his business trip. Why surprise me? He had changed! From the way he talked to me, i knew he had grown up. Although i may just be few months older than him, now that I think he had become much more mature than me. I feel happy for him. He said Me lao le...he advise me qing chu you xian & better find a bf fast fast, if not lao le mei you ren yao! I know la....but until the time is right(: I so looked forward to see him..zac, maybe soon we will see again ya?=D

6:24 AM (:
Saturday, July 19, 2008

All of us ( me, ailing, huizhen, lyn, hotpant & junhong) hang out at Jurong point right after school. First we had subway, yummy!! (: guess who I saw? I saw my sentosa work Senior, how come he work there when the pay @ sentosa is much higher?? Does he gets a better benefit there? Lyn left to work. While the rest of us went to X-zone! Cool(: & we took some picture outside the Japanese restaurant shop.

Work today. I miss them. Finally I saw them today. Yeah, quite busy at work & sale was good too. I met a very demanding customer, the minute she came in to the shop, all of us stunned, she had no taste of dressing, then she started to boss ard the shop demanding this and that. So bossy! But she is damn rich , she had so many bags of branded stuff with her. I even saw her husband who looks much more younger than her. Watever..Let's just forgive and forget. Since Customer is always right, we can't said much but to tried our best to satisfy her.
Alright, time for lala land. Good nite!

8:18 AM (:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A bad dream last night, I still can recalled e dream whenever I closed my eyes. Have I been thinking too much these days? Yes, I admiit I had. Everything is shown right infront of my eyes, how can i stop myself not to? I want to pretend not to hear, I want to pretend not to see,
every time I was there I just wish that I wasn't there. All I can do at that point of time was just to keep
silent and pretend. Why should I mind? why should I care? Why should I be angry?unless there is only one reason. If this is what u show me how can i trust u again?
I was pissed during lesson...But
ril still managed to cheer up after class!
becos of all his disturbing & I have no peace watching the movie.
hahas. anyway, thanks la, i know u don't wan me to sleep half way throughout the
moive. I wan watch dark knight again!! Bat man is so cool!!
i'm in love with him! & his sexy voice too.
RJ today. How cool can it be..for the first time I won't have to do
RJ after lesson. I think my
faci set the wrong timing for publishing the
hahas. nobody wants to tell her, everyone wants to be lazy for a day! who cares right?

7:14 AM (:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Woke up at 9.30am today. I realised that I had sleep for almost 9 hours and I still had a headache when i wake up. Thanks for the numerous of SMS or ppl who asked me to take care. Thanks guys!=) I'm feeling better now, flu no more..but there is still coughing & alot of flam inside my throats. Guess I still can't take those sweet, oily, fried, spicy stuff yet until I recover.
I had missed my Gelare cafe icecream waffle yest! & I have to wait until next week. Cough cough must go away....Oh ya, I watched the GET SMART movie. The movie was cool! It's a action comedy show! I can't stop laughing throughout the entire movie. I shall rate it 4(: & There are more movies to catch for the next few weeks!
" The expression on your face, it really show what your heart is feeling."

6:18 PM (:
Monday, July 14, 2008
I dragged myself to school. I still feel sick. Actually I wanted to skipped today's lesson but there is MCB UT coming up next week I was afraid that I couldn't catch up if I were to miss the lesson. I was damn unlucky in the morning, half way otw to school it starts to rain & I did not walked inside the shuttle at that time. The rains get heavier, the only thing I can do at that point of time is to fasten my walking speed . When I reached school, I was drenched. Like a stupid crazy gal, walking into the class with all my hair wet. WTH! I don't like myself to be wet early in the morning especially when it is starting of the day preparing myself neatly for the day and something like this happened. arghhh!
I'm feeling cold the whole day in class, I started to have that "on & off " fever. Sleeepy~ and I manage to pull myself to hang on through out the end of the meetings. Finally it's time to go home. Relieved! I took my med when I got home & had a 1 hour sleep before I start to open my lappie.
oh ya, I can't wait for tomorrow! Someone is gg to suprise me! I wonder what surprise will i get...

3:38 AM (:
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I had lost my voice!! Even the nurses smile at me when I tried to speak to her. Went to see doc today today. As usual I went to the same doc. I waited for the doctor for about 1 hour & I only manage to see him for only 5 mins! Aiyo, Suppose to meet zach today for lunch, now it had to be cancel becos of my stupid illness," sorry, promise out with u next time ar!' Suppose I want to go out buy my fav star hoodies I saw the other day when i was out with bestie, now I can't even have the energy to walk out of the house. "Star hoodies, stay where you are ok? Don't run away..when I get well you will be mine soon"AND suppose I can eat those tibits & crackers that mummy had bought yest, now I have to stared at dad & bro eat those yummy and me sitting one corner drooling.
You see, how bad it is to be sick. I dislike it, I can't do or eat whatever I want now. Now I had become water & medicine's best fren.

6:15 AM (:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Just got back from work. 8 hours of work & I am alrdy feeling that I have lose all my energy in the body. My sore throat is like getting worst, and I can't stop coughing & squeezing throughout the whole day at work. I'm feeling weaker. "jasmine, yao jia you!"
Just now I drink mummy cook de ai xin tang. NICE!(:
I hate fake people.

6:54 AM (:
Friday, July 11, 2008
Guess you are still in plane now,
i'm missing you right now. I'm so sorry that I couldn't send u off today. I knew that you got disappointed when I wasn't there (it's what
kor said). If you are reading this,
pls forgive me & take care too..I hoped to to see you soon friend. Thanks for the small little tips you left, it works!(:
Alright, Finally the last
Ut3 had over. But it's not too early to be happy yet cos the next UT 4 will be starting very soon. I want to finish my PP report asap. It seem like I am still
strucking in the middle of it. I hope I can have sometime to finish it up very soon, hopefully before holiday starts.
Yeah, today I enjoyed myself. Eat the fish soup noodles, then we tried the egg tart (orange chocolate egg tart), it taste nice. I knew I can't eat it but I can't stop myself for not trying. Then went to donut factory at
suntec to have donut. The strawberry milk choc donut was nice!=) Thanks XL accompany today, u recommended the lime juice, it helps my throat feel better now^^

7:55 AM (:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I met bestie today. There were so many things to update about. Bestie, i love you! U understand me the most, even me dun get it myself , & yet you knew what's wrong with me & what is right for me. Yah, thinking back of what you said, I think I need to take things slowly. Maybe it is or maybe not, time will tells. This is part of my challange too. Thanks for your advise (:
I have a bad sore throat!=(I miss eating at KFC. Been so long ever since I eat. I want to have it when I recover!=D

7:25 AM (:
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today mirco lesson! Our faci never come, so the module chair took over the lesson. The problem was not that easy today. Our class was discussing in msn if wan pon the lesson during the second meeting. Guess what? total there were 11 people pon the lesson including me! And the class was left with about 5 ppl staying for the third meeting. All of us went to play pool at the old woodland centre near the woodland checkpoint there. Afterwhich we had our lunch there, thanks fazial for treating us rojak!(: and took a group pictures.
Went star grazing again tonight. Not many stars tonight, I wonder where all the stars go to. But at least I feel so comfort tonight. Thanks for hearing & everthing, XL:)

8:45 AM (:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I'm over the moon! wooo!~ thanks to the two kind soul ppl, Your make my day!(: Nothing is impossible. I'm such a silly girl...But I gonna proved that I can make it arhh, U wait & see uh..hehes.
Today I tidy my room, discovered so many shoes box in my drawer..Now then I realised that I had brought so many shoes in less than a Year. OMG! So now I knew where all my money had gone to.
Should I go school tom? But I'm having lab class tomorrow..gosh! tell me tell me should I go?

3:59 AM (:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My whole class agreed to wear black today except for some.
Yeah! I went party world with my classmates today. Had so much fun! Quite worth it actually compare to kbox, because of the student discount we only need to pay $14.40 including drinks, tibits and fruits. I wanna go again!(:
Things are getting more complicated. It seem so wrong! There are more and more questions to this, I don't understand why. But no matter how tough this has become, we will always stay strong together, this is the key of frenship!
kor tried to cheer me up(: thanks kor for the smiling face drawing, will rmb always!^^

4:02 AM (:
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
No stars in the sky. Where does all the stars go to? I miss my date with stars tonight!

6:50 AM (: