Sunday, August 24, 2008
On the fri afternoon, I was brought to the changi airport. I started to get nervous inside the train when the stop got nearer to changi. I don't rmb that if I went to changi airport before or not even once in my entire 19 years. However, I got so excited like a small kid grabbing onto his hand as we board the sky train to Terminal 1, 2, & 3. We had our tea break at Secret recipe. Both tiramisu & chocolate indulge were delicious(: For dinner, we left changi and took the bus to parkway parade and had pastamania. He recommended the prawn riso, the prawn are fresh! yumyum~ You made my day, i had a great day!

On the sat afternoon, I meet up with my classmates for bbq at East coast park. There should be more people coming but last mins some got couldn't made it. Rain wouldn't seem to stop. It's freezing cold there when we reached. Since it was still raining, there were no other way but to wait at the food court sitting area. Three of us, lyn, huizhen & me tried the carrot cake there. Carrot cake was very tasty!(: At about 7 the guys helped to start fire. At 8 then the food is ready to eat, there were chicken wing, crab meat, hot dog , satay, marshmallow & chilli stingray taste the best! (: Then ard 9.15, I said goodbye to all my fellow classmates. I will miss them.

10:00 AM (:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My PP report had been approved!! Thanks god! Thank you so much(: I can move on to do my Poster soon^^
Basically, these days I had been spending my days working. Weekdays are quiet as usual. Lucky there are my colleagues whom I can chat with, we chatted about family, friends, marriages, blah blah blah.. I love to listen to their personal experiences, becos it is something which they have gone through before & one day I will have to go through the same too. I believe that life wasn't easy at all. The older you are, the more problems you will be going to face in the future. There are still alot for me to learn and face toward the future.
Yeah off day for me tomorrow, sat & sun! FUN TIME!~

8:45 AM (:
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I had a lovely day yesterday! I enjoyed myself with u. Thanks for everything my dear, especially the specially made by you zhutou privilege card, i will treasure it & use it when is needed! Yeah! I have such a great benefit(: love..

6:48 PM (:
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
12/8, tue marked the last day of the first sem in Year 2. Those memories that we had as a class will always be remembered. I will miss all of them so much. I love W54B, they Rox ok!~Especially to all my Jie mei! I miss you all the most la. I can't bear to leave your! I love the fun that we had tgt, i love the outing, i love the gossips, i love the laughter & everything.. Your are the best!^^
Me & ailing!(:

Me and huizhen!(:

Me and lyn!(:

Me & hot pant!(:

This looks so magical!~

twist & smile~Yay!

Ailing looks cute, hot pant looks funny(:
huizhen yanyan & ailing hello panda!
Me pocky! strawberries are love!~
Shall see your on bbq day next week & our jie mei outing wor! (: love!

5:42 PM (:
Monday, August 4, 2008
Can u imgaine I pon class again today? arhhh... Next week I must be a good girl, no more poning for me for this module! I did went school today however a group of us left during the second meeting. Reason why we left: During the first break, one of my classmate suggested to go CWP mac to have our breakfast so a group of us (about 8 person) went there as you all know we only have 1 hour break & since we went out of the school by the time we go back to school we will be late. AND YEAH! we were late! we reached the class ard 11am.. THEN the faci goes " Make sure will come early to class next time, it is unfair for your other teammates!" Oh no...I knew in my heart "BAD IMPRESSION!" & maybe we will be downgraded? We decided to leave the class & we went PARTY WORLD! Thanks hotpant for treating us!~ so kind of u...I had so much fun today & i wanna go again!^^

5:40 AM (:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Class getting more and more slack. It was Yu ming last day in class & sophia Belated Birthday so our class plan to buy them a cake as part of celebration & took class photo too!! Fri was the last UT(: Cool isn't? I let out a sense of relieved after the UT, finally I can give myself a break. After UT went to cine to meet besties. Sorry I was late. They planned to go kbox & we had kbuffet, when I reached I saw those food on the table they had taken earlier on.."FOOD FOOD! I NEED FOOD! I'm so hungry.." I told them. We had lobsters, satays, sushis, clams, cakes, shark fin soup, otaks, Japanese prawns more & more, basically the whole table was filled with food(: After eating finally have the energy to sing! HAPPY & HYPER the whole time. Both besties can sing so well..Four hours of singing & my throat Hurts! But i had a great time, thanks besties for such a wonderful day. Loves!(:

Peacock hair?Ya..I was referring to myself. The more I look into the mirror the more I feel that my hair look like peacock becos of my hair colours..Hair colour are fading, top of my hair is black & bottom is brown, looked quite awful la..I don't know if I should dye it back to black or tried a new colour. I seriously think I need a hair cut soon too.
Work today. At first it was quiet...only during late afternoon, big fishes start to come! So nice of my kor to bring me my fav strawberry cake during my lunch break. " kor...hen hao chi, wo hen xi huan!(: " My colleague brings fruits for me to try, Yummy! Got one is called the " ai qing guo" ( love fruit?) my first time tasting it, nice! taste like mango inside the yellow fresh there are tiny seed that is edible. Another fruit is dragon fruit, it's very special becos the common seen fresh is white & the fresh that i ate yest is red & it is sweet(: Shall ask mmy to get it when she is out to supermarket^^

6:25 PM (: