Thursday, September 25, 2008
It's biochemistry UT, the first UT of this sem. As if it was the first time I took UT, i was so nervous! ok, I did it wrong for the last questions)= quite sad, becos I did not read the question carefully. Hope the grade wont be that bad la, afterall I did spent hours study for the UT. My effort should at least paid off right?
Finally gg to be the end of 4th week of school. Time seem so sloww..I definitely can't wait for next week public holiday having 2 days off from school. & for next few weeks will be test weeks, 3 more to go! "Jasmine!, you gonna work hard !"
- strawberry strips -
-Chocolate crunch-
Swensen icecream's love.

6:33 AM (:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sun-14/9Went to the biggest ikea with him. Ikea were the ideal choice for furnitures. You can buy own made funiture from there too..Alot of interesting things there(: Quite reasonable price, maybe your can consider gg there! & also my first time having meal at ikea. Wow~ We had free flow of drinks becos he had the member card there. Ikea's Famous for its chicken wings!

Mon-15/8Today class was very fun^^It's biochemistry lesson. Although there are alot to learnt today & we find it difficult at first, my team managed to helps one another along & understood the whole concept of the problem for the day. Well done(: We were given different task for presentation, my group was chosen to do it on the manjong paper. Other for team did on whiteboard, using object, presentation sildes and quiz for their presentations. I guess faci were very impressed with the class today too.
Tue-16/9Happy one month anniversary, baby!(:
Thanks for the lovely tshirt u made for me & those little surprise puzzle..ILU!~thanks for being there for me always:D

7:46 AM (:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Flu, Coughing & spittling flam..arghhh!
ALL please leave me alone! I wan my healthy body back so that I can smell & taste nice food again!
Woke up in the morning to finish my PP report. My first PP advisor had accepted my report & yet my second PP advisor had suggested me to meet her if I want to improve more on my report. I went to meet up with her on mon, she was very nice to help me edited some areas and asked me to improve on some points which is not stated quite clearly. & today although I feel quite sleepy because of the medication I took, I forced myself to finish up my report editing here & there and adding some informations. I end up having 2800 plus words! I can't believed it either but it is true! Hope katrina faci will read it & hope it will be accepted soon! Oh ya, I want to thanks XL for lying to me telling me he is not done with his PP but yet he had submitted! you very good huh! arghhh! anyway, Hope urs will approve soon too(:
Two more days to weekend. Time passes so fast! I can't wait for next tue beacuse it is a very special day!(:

3:15 AM (:
Friday, September 5, 2008
Two days ago, i was complaining! Holiday ends so fast?! I didn't have enough time to enjoy before school starts. arhhh 3 weeks in never enough!
For schooldays, I wake as usual at 6.30. His morning call always brighten up the starts of my day(: I'm looking forward to go school becos i can see my friends again & I definitely miss my school food! However, I can't stop complaining about waking up so early in the morning & carrying the heavy bag pack to school. Both days in school were okay but i need to do is to adjust myself back from my holiday mood. Oh, & my class have a many smart people! " jasmine you have to work extra hard for now!"
Arhhhhh...Tom is sat! I love weekends!^^
*He brought me this honey bread for me. isn't it cute?(:*

6:35 AM (:
Monday, September 1, 2008
School reopen on the 3rd of sep. Next semester I will be in W55k, a new class learning environment & it's time to make new friends again! I will be in the same class with some people in the first sem, people like ailing, hakim & faliq. I had gotten the four module I have selected & am lucky to be remain in my own class for all module unlike some of my frens who change classes once or twice in a week. Oh yeah! i can see my friends very soon(:
Sat -30/8Baby cooked for me. So sweet of him(: Filled with lots of his love..

Picture hunting too! He looked so cute when he was young, even now he does too^^ I'm so in love with him!
Sun -31/8Met up with jen, rui xiu, chist & baby to escape theme park. I were very excited when we reached the escape theme park. We played games like haunted house, invertor, go-kart, pirate ship, fippers, coaster! Jen's addiction was go-kart, she played the most number of times^^ At first I tot that invertor was scary. For the first time queuing, both guys assured me that it wont be what I tot. After playing it for the first time, I told baby let's played it for the second time again!(: Baby can't stopped laughing when we were at the pirate ship. The min when the pirate ship went up and went down I screamed again & again. arhhh!!
Around 7 plus we left the place & had our dinner. Due to so much screaming, my throat feel pain after the entire day! But i had so much fun!(:

7:37 PM (: