Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy birthday to mummy!^^
Those who knows & send regards & wishes to my mmy, She said ty to u all(:
Dad brought the whole family out for dinner at marsling. We ordered Fish curry, thai styles tofu, sambal mussles, ka kong, sweet and sour pork! Overall the food was statified enff however, dad feel that the pricing is too expensive, they even charged for the 4 plates of rice plus 3 extra rice at 50 cents each! wahhh..

* Mummy, I love u(: *
*Bf is sweet he drew a lovely bd card 4 mmy^_^*
Last fri was xin hui bd!(: We gave her a suprise for not telling her that we were celebrating bd with her. Sorry xinhui(:**Went steamboat at bugis,there were ard 12 of us there. After that , We went to DG Cathay and sang bd songs for xinhui & photo taking there!(: I'm happy to see my frens especially those I did not met for quite some time^^

4:46 AM (:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yest was my first time buying TOTO. Jasmine is so proud of herself!:D But I didn't buy it for myself but I'm just helping my colleague to buy. I'm a good girl & I wont gamble one(: Actually, I feel that it's not very encouraging to count ur luck on this if you spent a large sum of money on TOTO, buying TOTO is just a hope to win. However, some may lose more than they win, is not worth it at all. Those who are counting ur luck on buying TOTO now, why not not waste ur money and give me all ur money & I can kept them all for u (:
I met the gals for breakfast this morning! Happy to see them becos it's been long ever since I met up with them. I seriously wan to apologised for always being the MIA one. *Sorry* Oh yay! Holiday coming in 2 weeks time! I seriously want go shopping!(: Bestie said she will go shopping with me once her next pay! I'm feel so glad!(:

(Me & BF. Frens said we look very alike in this pic. haha!)

7:37 AM (:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last sunday, is our 3 month together!(: I baked a cake for him on saturday. I added some M&M inside & it smell like milo during the process of baking. The cake turned out quite satisfied & most imptly he liked it!(: The card that I was holding was hand-drew by him. Super cute drawing^^He brought me to Charles & Keith that day and bought me the shoes which I had been eye-ing for a long time. ty baby!(: ILY!
Yesterday was the starts of the Module selection for next sem. I haben made a choice of which module to choose yet. However, I have intended to take a 4 days class module next year & for the fifth day I can use it to do my FYP. I know I can't cope with 5 days class module since 4 days module is alrdy a torture for me, imagine having class, UT & coping with FYP at the same time it will be very tiring so I seriously need to plan my time carefully.

1:17 AM (:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I am sick. My body aches, I had sore throat *cough* & now I'm having flu. So I had decided to skipped class today to rest more at home. I was too stubbon to eat icecream & drank cold drink on wed even through I knew I can't have it, yet I still refused to listen to him & insisted to eat and now this is what happened to me. I feel regerted. He will be bringing me to food fair! Please let me recover soon so that I can go taste nice delicious yummy food there!
Oh ya. My lappie is finally back! Stupid acer. They said 5 working days & I only get back by today. Okay la. At least they solved it & most imptly..lappie gets better ardy. My mainboard & fan had been changed! no more noisy fan! (: No matter how many problems & troubles, I love my laptop still^^

5:01 AM (:
Friday, November 7, 2008
It had been 5 days ever since I used my lappie. My lappie encountered with some problem on the display & there are loud sound coming from the fan. I had sent it to accer services centre for repair on wed. Sad to say, I made a wrong decision that day if not the lappie that I am using now will be mine alrdy & not the school one. Normally when we go accer, it is compulsory for us to get a Q no. and wait for ur number to be called to check for ur problem. However, Accer service centre had came out with a new system, you can either choose to get Q no and wait for hours for ur turn & they will check ur lappie on the spot or u can jus filled up a form , indicate ur problem on the form & they will collect back ur laptop immediately but required 5 working days or less. I had choose the second choice because I don't want to spent hours waiting for my turn alone, now that I think back is very silly of me to make that decision. I made a wrong choice if not my lappie will be with me now. I miss u laptop, and I hope u will be fine soon.
oh ya, I had cut my hair last week. Some said nice, but i still not used to it. Pictures will be upload once I got back my lappie(:

2:49 AM (: