Saturday, January 3, 2009
I'm so happy! On the sat I finally met up with Jie-meis! (: Ailing not able to meet us, but shall see her in school, i miss her!^^ All of us went cineleisure watch twilight! Not a very nice show as I tot. hahas. All of us almost fell asleep=X Quite draggy man~ 2 hours plus show.
I'm finally done with buying new year clothings. Yay! But you know, there are sales everywhere. I couldn't stop myself from the temptation everytime i see something i fancy about. Oh no..I'm gg to control myself to buy if not I will be broke sooner or later & end up having more stuff which I may not need it or use it.
From next week onward will be quite busy week for me. Especially when school is reopening, coping with school work & UTs. Work in the weekends & also help preparation for Chinese new year which is in 3 weeks time. Oh, after 3 weeks will be school break again. How time files..& I will be in year 3 in the coming April! fyp soon =X
Chinese new year deco at ParkwayIt's moomoo year in 2009!(: CUTE!

Since my new year resolution num 6 states that I must slim down. Bf & I decided to go for jogging. We were at bedok reservoir today! It's my first time there, the weather was good!~ windy!^^ I liked it there, very beautiful jogging place. We managed to jog for some distance, oh man.. i need to work harder becos I will feel tired easily after jogging for some distance & bf have to keep stopping to be in the same pace as me. Maybe due to long time nv exercise. =X I will tried to excerise whenever I'm free, i promise.. *jasmine, yao jia you wor!*

8:15 AM (: