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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can promise still be a promise?

3:58 AM (:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This shall be the most stressful and busy month! Less working hours for me cos I will be mugging hard for my tests! And submit of final fyp report before 25 nov!  There are no time for me to write my report yet because I have three test next week! And i know most probably after next week  I will have start chiong-ing my report!:-S 

Right now I so feel like eating icecream=x I really need to destress!

2:56 AM (:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


3:59 AM (:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

大舅在星期二的时侯在医院过世了. 这事情發生的太突然, 当醫生在病房宣布舅舅已經停止呼吸的时侯,  聽到這個消息之後,大家都吃了一惊,不敢相信眼前發生的事是既然真的. 非常的難過..

在媽媽及家人的眼里, 舅舅是一個很會照顧家人的好哥哥也是大家的好傍樣.我们也有了和他的美好的回忆. 而事情發生了太突然,  好像梦一样..让大家很難接受他已经要離開了,非常捨不得..

今天我們為大舅送行, 大舅已經去到了一個新的家,屬余他的地方..(RIP, Uncle..you'll always be rmb in our heart..)

看到这一幕的时侯, 我都在想..人生短短幾十年, 我们没有忽略了生活的任何事呢?

我们要好好珍惜我们所佣有的, 不然失去了那已经来不急了..

12:00 AM (:

Friday, October 16, 2009

OMG! After TWO weeks of lesson, I personally feel that I can't cope with Pharm Chemisty soon! And it's only TWO weeks! How am I going to suvive in the next 13 more weeks! HELL! All about in depth of organic chem, "bezane rings, hetercyclic, aromatic, lewis law, .etc!"

Pharm chem is the most diffcult than other modules, some other classmates in my class took applied chem 1 & 2 and they alrdy found it diffcult to understand! I only took applied chem 1, who is more disadvantage? Why Pharm Chem is my core module! If not I can just drop and take another module.

Huizhen and I told each other "let's hold hand together and work for our Pharm chem"HAHA! I told myself, I'm not giving up yet! I want to learnt as much as I can, I ask even if I don''t understand I don't care if  it's a stupid question!=x So both of us went to the sch library and we borrow the SUPER THICK HARD COVER book back home for revision! Then my class mates one by one kept asking me when they saw the book on my table "you went to borrow?", "wah.. very thick leh, sure can carry home?", "wa, you'r so hard working!" YEA! What can I do if I don't work hard, I don't want to wait to fail!

Stress with my FYP too! Use our school holiday to run the PCR using different primer there are not a single result. I hope next week when we do plasma extraction there will have result! pls bless us!

7:24 PM (:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New sem timetable is out!

The following is my modules:

No class for me every Tue instead of Wed this time round. Even through some of my friends have the same module as me, some have no class on mon , some thur, some fri... Perhaps the school doesn't want the same for everyone?

I feel that it is a con if everyone class day is different, my fyp team will have diffcultive meeting up together for fyp meetings and completing the experiments since some of them have class on the day some don't.

After looking through my class name list, almost more than 3/4 of the class names I'm unfamilar with. Means I'm meeting new people! I gonna miss lessons without my Jie Mei becos we are of different classes everyday except one day with hz.

Hope everyone pass this sem smoothly! It's my last sem to graduation..Yay!(:

7:08 PM (:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally I don't have to go back to any FYP meetings for now before the new sem starts, next week.

And right now, I am feeling sick. Backache, headache, dry lip...This is the fouth panadol I took today, I don't want see doc! pls get better)'= I want to go out one!

*I looking forward to the arrival of oct(: i hope it's a good month ahead.

11:29 PM (:


My name is JASMINE^^
Twenty thisyear
My birthday fall on 14 DEC!!


  • Score well in school & FYP

  • Travel around the world

  • Go star grazing

  • Good health
  • Be love & care
  • everyone around me to be happy=)

  • Tagboard


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